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Modern Office
High Impact Program for
Scaling Start-Ups


Tech Start-Ups often struggle to move from a few friendly customers to tens and hundreds of them : despite being very innovative, their solution does not sell itself !


Every Start-Up co-founders will fall in love with their project. It will lead to counter-productive behaviors which will stall the development of their business.


Successful scaling will require ruthless focus and sharp execution.



Ruthless focus

At some point in time, you will hate me for always narrowing your scope, you will feel like I'm pulling your heart out of your chest.

I will do this because scaling your business is like making dominos fall, one at a time. Focusing on a single domino at a time is the right way to market insertion and then expansion.


Sharp Execution

Once your next wave focus is defined, sharp execution will make it or break it. Execution is about how you secure and lead cutomer meetings, how you make the customer move and land the business, where you spend your time as a team, how you allocate your budgets, how you forecast and manage your business, how you orchestrate your overall company to serve your business ambitions, ...






We have developed a program to support Scaling Start-Up CEOs and their team to radically improve their Sales Impacts through ruthless Focus and sharp Execution.



Since 2018, we have supported more than 70 Start-Ups scale their business



The Program is called

"Business Jumpstart"


"Business Jumpstart"



You are a Tech Start-Up, your business value proposition is solid, you have signed a few customers and your delivery capabilities have been re-organized.


Now is the time to scale and sign more and bigger Customers.


Don't get intoxicated by the top5 devastating beliefs which make Tech Start-up scaling efforts often fail !


Embrace the successful Start-Up selling approach : 


  1. Profile the next customers you can sign easily

  2. Clarify the use-case your next customers will embrace

  3. Craft the Story which will move your next customers to sign

  4. Test and validate the market swiftly (sprints)

  5. Adopt a pragmatic and effective methodology to sales acceleration (crack the code)




Innovative, Interactive and Fun Workshops where you will learn pramatic & proven techniques and apply them to your own cases.


Scope and duration will be customized to your needs.


Optional follow-up coaching for maximum real life adoption. 


In-Presence, On-Line or Blended Delivery


English - Français - Nederlands




Co-Develop the first Sprint of your Sales Insertion Strategy and the associated Sales Execution Plans.


Engage your key team members and bond the team behind your Sales ambitions & how to get there.


  1. Profiling the next customers you can sign easily

  2. Clarity on the use-cases your next customers will embrace

  3. Crafting the Story which will move your next customers to sign

  4. Rapid market testing and validation

  5. Effective and Pragmatic methodology to run future sales acceleration in autonomy

Contact us and find how our Program can benefit your company.

They trust us

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