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Who We Are

Yves Blandiaux is the Founding Partner of Wave4Growth.


Over the past 25 years, Yves has held international sales and general management positions for ICT providers such as Cisco, Fujitsu and Alcatel.


During his career, he has led sales force transformations from transactional "product" sales to more complex sales, i.e. value selling, solution selling and consultative selling.

He also went through the crises of 2001 and 2008 by fundamentally rethinking the leadership, approach and organization of sales within his teams.


Since 2018, Yves has been working as a freelancer with Tech Start-Up, Scale-Up and Large Enterprises, helping their sales teams sign more and bigger customers.

Yves is heavily engaged in multiple sectors : ICT, Service Providers, IA, SaaS, MedTech, Industry, ...


Yves is committed to bring the best of Start-Up to Established Companies and vice-versa.


Yves Blandiaux | LinkedIn


Our Drivers

Our Vision

Most Companies, big or small, new or estalished, are continousely trying to re-invent thei business value propostion they bring to their customers : new business models, next generation solutions, moving-up in their Customer value chain, ...

Your ability to Sell Innovation will often create your success !


Selling Innovation is not about serving your customer's needs since these needs are not established yet. Selling innovation requires specific skills and techniques which are often counter-intuitive. Sellers will need to train and develop specific muscles to make their prospects curious, transform the initial curiosity into interest and turn the interest into urgency.


Not mastering the Selling Innovation best practices will position you in your prospect's "nice-to-have" bucket. Being a "nice to have" is not enough and will lead to NO business for you.


Can your sales team put your best innovations in your prospect's "must have" bucket and close business swiftly ?

Our Mission

Radically imporve Companies' ability to sell Innovation by injecting the right Innovation Selling DNA into the Sales Teams through innovative, pragmatic and impactful programs and coaching practices.

The programs are tuned to serve different Customer profiles: Start-Ups, Established Companies and Disruptive Challengers (Scale-Ups)

Our Values

Create lasting positive impacts – be pragmatic and simplify what looks complex – act with trust & integrity – be transparent & communicate openly – put customer at the center – innovate & disrupt – build on facts & outside-in perspectives – be part of your team, teamwork – co-create

Certified  Growth Expert

We are certified "Label Enterprise" for Growth (Diagnostic & Execution) by the Walloon Region.
Significant Regional subsidy can be available for SME's headquartered in Wallonia.


We are also a certified Growth Partner with Sowalfin and Mentor with Start it@KBC.

We are also facilitating workshops on "Selling Innovation" with WSL, Digital Attraxion, Sociale Selling Forum or HEC Executive Education

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